What an honour to be included in the 2022 Fedriogoni 365 calendar. And thank you for our copy @paperassist
We were chosen to illustrate the 4th of December. Our inspiration came from the drawing in of the long Winter evenings and how there is a certain comfort in that time of the year. It’s a time for blazing fires and warming food. It’s also a time that many people find difficult. The dark evenings and the lack of daylight can lead to sadness. With our illustration, we hope to convey that despite how dark it can be at times, there is always light waiting and persisting. Just hold on.

The 2022 edition follows on from the very topical theme of collaboration and inclusion, but with a difference: this year’s @fedrigoni365 is the product of artists from different disciplines and prestigious creative-printing partners, culminating in a true celebration of the creative eco-system in its entirety.
Instead of presenting itself as a single-bound book, Fedrigoni 365 2022 is a collection of four volumes. Each is produced using various hues of Fedrigoni’s Materica paper, a range of finishing techniques, and are singularly printed by four leading printers.
This unique, multi-faceted partnership has produced a calendar that serves as an educational toolkit and source of inspiration for new designers, showcasing the endless possibilities of paper, finishing and book binding.
Vol. 1 printed on Materica Acqua by @hamptonprinting
Vol. 2 printed on Materica Terra Gialla by @teamimpression_
Vol. 3 printed on Materica Quarz by @kingsbury_press
Vol. 4 printed on Materica Terra Rossa and Materica Gesso by @hp@screamingcolourltd
Sleeve printed on Materica Kraft
Finishing by @diamondprintservices
Design by @tmstudio_
Copies available to purchase from @counterprintbooks and @thebrandidentity. Profits donated to @mindcharity.